Eye diseases may arise because of accompanying effect of other health problems or vision problems including myopia, hypermetropia, and glaucoma. As the human eye is a very fragile and sensitive organ, there are other diseases and viruses that can cause harm such as conjunctivitis, glaucoma, refractive errors, cataracts, color blindness, diabetic retinopathy, and keratoconus.

Cataract Treatment

Cataract is defined as clouding of the crystalline lens of the eye. Since there is no film layer on the lens, it cannot be removed with laser or eye drops. Surgery is the only option for cataract treatment. With the surgery performed, the cloudy lens is removed and a plastic intraocular lens-inocular lens (IOL) is placed instead. Although the implant can be placed later, both phases are usually performed at the same time.

This problem is especially seen in half of the people between the ages of 50-59 but cataracts are no longer counted among advanced age problems as they used to be.

Glaucoma Treatment

In newly diagnosed glaucoma, the majority of doctors prefer the use of medication to keep the intraocular pressure under control. If drug therapy is not appropriate or insufficient, the option of glaucoma surgery may be considered.

In laser trabeculoplasty (SLT or ALT), the draining channels inside the eye are tightened using a high-energy light beam. Thus, the fluid flow from the eye is facilitated and the intraocular pressure is reduced. In angle-closure glaucoma; Using the laser, a hole is created in the iris (irritotomy), thereby facilitating the flow of aqueous fluid into the drainage system. The purpose of glaucoma filtration surgery (trabeculotomy); is to create a new opening so that the fluid can leave the eye. Surgeon; It removes some tissue from the sclera, the white part of the eye, and creates a new channel for fluid drainage.

Although it is very rare to see serious complications after glaucoma, it should be kept in mind that such events can occur after any surgery. Operation; It is recommended that the ophthalmologist consider this procedure safer than continuing the damage to the optic nerve.

Laser Treatments

Among the eye diseases, especially the diseases that are cured by laser treatment are intense. After LASIK laser treatment, which is the most common and preferred method, myopia up to -6.0 is treated at a rate of 97 percent, and myopes with -6.0 to -12.0 numbers are treated at a rate of 95 percent, and glasses are not needed. Astigmatism is also treated with laser. In hyperopia up to +7.0 number, 95 percent after laser treatment is not required to wear glasses.

The operation and recovery time in laser-treated diseases vary depending on the eye problem. However, laser treatments are completed within the day of application. 

Intraocular Lens Treatment

There are many treatment methods for patients who have trouble seeing near and far and who do not like to wear glasses. Among these methods, especially laser and intraocular lens treatment are highly preferred. Treatment methods and applications are updated in parallel with technological developments.

Intraocular Lens Applications by Treatment

In intraocular lens treatment, there are two different applications for eyes that have problems focusing near and far.

Phakic Intraocular Lens

Shortsightedness (myopia), farsightedness (farsightedness), or distorted and broken vision defects (astigmatism) due to the light falling on multiple points on the retina are treated with various methods. Intraocular lens therapy is applied in patients with high hyperopia, myopia or astigmatism. Phakic lenses are placed in front of or behind the iris. The lens, which is too thin to be seen from the outside, is produced from a material compatible with intraocular tissues.

Trifocal Intraocular Lens

With increasing age, the eye cannot see near because the lens’s flexibility lessens over time. This is called a near vision problem (presbyopia). Trifocal artificial intraocular lenses are one of the most used modern methods in the treatment of presbyopia.

Intraocular Lens Application

The application of intraocular lenses, also called smart lenses, generally includes the following steps:

– General anesthesia is given to the patient.

– Incisions are made in the cornea according to the lens to be applied. 

– The intraocular lens is placed in the eye with the correct application.

– The surgery takes an average of 15 minutes for one eye. Both eyes can be operated on the same day, but it is usually preferred to do it on different days.

– After Intraocular Lens Surgery protective glasses are used immediately after the operation and staying in the hospital is not necessary. 

Advanced laser technologies for eye disease treatments are also available in Turkey: 


ILASIK is the most advanced and most popular laser technology. It is applied with personalized IntraLase laser technology under computer control. The application is personal because the personal vision quality of the patients is different from each other. The entire application is planned according to the patient’s eye findings and eye structure. iLASIK technology is a form of therapy approved by NASA and the US Army for astronauts and air force pilots.

Application and Treatment Process

  • Detailed examinations are carried out before the application in order to be sure that the patient is suitable for surgery.
  • The patient is awake during iLASIK surgery.
  • The entire process takes quite a short period of time. Immediately after the procedure, patients begin to see much better.


These two procedures are performed to correct vision problems including hypermetropia, myopia, and astigmatism. These tree vision problems are caused by the misshape of the cornea. In order to treat them, there are two widely used techniques which PRK and LASEK.


INTRALASE is an advanced form of LASIK surgery which is also known as bladeless LASIK. As both methods are safe and widely performed, INTRALASE reduces the possibility of any complications during and after the surgery.

Phakic Lens Treatment

Phakic lenses are plastic or silicone lenses that are permanently implanted in the eye to solve vision problems, including hyperopia, myopia, and astigmatism. This method is known as pIOL. This method is very functional in reducing people’s need for glasses and contacts. Phakic Lens Treatment is generally applied to those patients who are not eligible for laser procedures due to different eye health problems.

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